Command Line Interface¶
The command line interface provides the ability to tangle and weave markdown files.
prosecode tangle¶
Process the markdown file mdfile, extracting all code. The code is placed in the directory given in the option –srcdir.
prosecode tangle [OPTIONS] MDFILE
¶ Where to put the generated source code.
Required argument
prosecode weave¶
Process the markdown file mdfile into a LaTeX or HTML document.
If –execute is set to True, then the blocks of code will be executed and their output placed in the text.
The –format option specifies the output format. Valid options are latex or html.
The output file is specified in the –outfile field. If omitted, it will simple change the extension on the input file from .md to .tex.
prosecode weave [OPTIONS] MDFILE
Should the code chunks be executed?
¶ Where should the code chunks be executed?
¶ The file to save to.
¶ Output format latex or html.
- Options
Required argument