Using prosecode with makeΒΆ

For a large project with multiple files, it is recommended that you use make to manage the build. Here is an example Makefile.

This assumes the markdown files are in a folder called prose/. The .tex files will be placed in a folder called tex/. The code will be placed in a folder called package/.

SRCDIR = mypackage/
MD:= $(wildcard prose/*.md)
TEX:= $(MD:prose/

.PHONY: help Makefile pdf clean weave

tex/pygments_macros.tex :
      prosecode styledefs --outfile tex/pygments_macros.tex

tex/%.tex: prose/
      prosecode tangle $< --srcdir $(SRCDIR)
      prosecode weave $< --outfile $@ --execute True

  $(foreach mdfile, $(MD), prosecode cleanup $(mdfile) --srcdir $(SRCDIR);)

weave: $(TEX)

pdf: $(TEX) tex/main.tex tex/pygments_macros.tex
      cd tex; pdflatex main.tex