
Consider the following simple markdown file, sample.md.

# Sample Markdown

## Get excited!

```python {cmd id="_itscode"}
x = 2
print(x +3)

We can tangle out the code with the following command.

prosecode tangle sample.md

This will produce a file called itscode.py that looks as follows.

x = 2
print(x +3)

Then, we can weave the code into proper LaTeX as follows.

prosecode weave sample.md

This produces the file sample.tex.

\chapter{Sample Markdown}

\section{Get excited!}

\PY{n}{x} \PY{o}{=} \PY{l+m+mi}{2}
\PY{n+nb}{print}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{x} \PY{o}{+}\PY{l+m+mi}{3}\PY{p}{)}